Projects of the Department of Sensor Information Systems and Technologies VEGA – Scientific Grant Agency of SR and SAS
GAV – Grant Agency for Science
COPERNICUS – European Communities
ASFEU – Agency of SR for EU Structural Funds
SRDA – Agency for research&development support
MAD – Inter-academic agreement

Actual and recent projects:

Preparation of nanometer patterns in 2D materials using electron beam lithography
Príprava štruktúr nanometrových rozmerov v 2D materiáloch použitím elektrónovej litografie
Program: Mobility
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: BAS-SAS-2022-05
Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Microelectromechanical sensors with radio frequency data transmission
Mikroelektromechanické senzory s rádiofrekvenčnýcm prenosom údajov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: APVV-20-0042
Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Web page: -
Nanoštruktúrne polovodivé materiály a ich integrácia do chemoodporových senzorov plynov a do senzorov ťažkých kovov
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: 1/0789/21
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Progressive methods of the transfer of nanostructured semiconductive 2D materials based on transition metal dichalcogenides onto microelectronic elements
Progresívne metódy transferu nanoštruktúrnych polovodivých 2D materiálov na báze dichalkogenidov tranzitných kovov do mikroelektronických prvkov
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: 2/0099/22
Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025

Finished projects:

Innovation of sub-micrometer electron beam lithography
Inovácia sub-mikrometrovej elektrónovej litografie
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: SK-BUL-010-06
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009
Web page:
Molecular-friendly processes for fabrication of molecular electronic devices
Kompatibilné molekulárne procesy pre prípravu molekulárnych elektronických obvodov
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: SK-GR-047-11
Duration: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2014
Correlation of structure and magnetism in novel nanoscale magnetic particles
Korelácia štruktúry a magnetických vlastností nových magnetických nano častíc
Program: FP5
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: 150
Duration: 1.3.2000 - 31.7.2004
Web page:
An individual stimulating system with 3D nano-structure carbon/graphene based transducer and wireless heater for automated tiny insects behavior monitoring
Monitorovací a stimulačný systém s 3D snímačom a mikro-ohrievačom na báze uhlíka/grafénu s bezdrôtovým ovládaním pre automatizované individuálne monitorovanie a stimuláciu drobného hmyzu
Program: JRP
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2018 - 31.12.2022
Design and simulation for micro robotic devices
Návrh a simulácia mikrorobotických prístrojov
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: Project No 605
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006
Semiconducting Metal Oxide - New Materials For Environmental Sensors
Polovodivé oxidy kovov – nové materiály pre environmentálne senzory
Program: Mobility
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: SAS-BAS-21-04
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2022
Radical Innovation Maskless Nanolithography
Radikálna inovácia bezmaskovej nanolitografie
Program: FP6
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: 17133
Duration: 1.10.2005 - 30.9.2008
Web page:,
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthesis
Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov –sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti
Program: FP6
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: 515739
Duration: 1.4.2005 - 30.9.2010
Web page:
Nano-structuring by Electron Beam Lithography for Sensor Application
Tvarovanie štruktúr pre senzorové aplikácie s využitím elektrónovej litografie
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: APVV SK-BG-2013-0030
Duration: 9.5.2016 - 31.12.2017
Robust Lithography of Submicron nad Nano-dimensional Structures
Výkonná litografia submikrometrových a nanometrových štruktúr
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: SK-BG-0037-10
Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2013
Study of electron beam resists and patterning of nano-structures by electron beam lithography for gas sensor applications
Výskum elektrónových rezistov a príprava nanoštruktúr s využitím elektrónovej litografie vo výskume senzorov plynu
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: JRP SAS-BAS 2015-2017
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
(Micro) Electro-mechnisms for robotics and extremely work spaces (enviroments).
(Mikro) Elektro-Mechanizmy pre robotiku a extrémne pracovné prostredia.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: 2/0048/13
Duration: 1.1.2013 - 31.12.2015
Centre of Excelence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering
Budovanie Centra excelentnosti pre nové technológie v elektrotechnike - II. etapa
Program: EU Structural Funds Research Development
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: ITMS – 262 401 200 19
Duration: 1.3.2010 - 28.2.2013
Web page:
Center of Excellence for New Technologies in Electrical Engineering
Centrum excelentnosti pre nové technológie v elektrotechnike - I.etapa
Program: EU Structural Funds Research Development
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: ITMS – 26240120011
Duration: 15.5.2009 - 14.5.2011
Web page:
Electron beam lithography of nanometer structures for 2D materials on the base of metal sulfides
Elektrónová litografia nanometrových štruktúr pre 2D materiály na báze sulfidov kovov
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: 2/0119/18
Duration: 1.1.2018 - 31.12.2021
Electron Spin PolaRImeTer based on thin ferromagnetic membranes
Elektrónový spinový polarimeter na báze tenkých feromagnetických membrán
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: SK-FR-2013-0032
Duration: 1.1.2014 - 31.12.2015
Physics of Information
Fyzika informácie
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 31.12.2008
Web page:
Hybrid Spintronic Nanostructures Controlled by Spin-Polarized Current
Hybridné spintronické štruktúry riadené spinovopolarizovaným prúdom
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: APVV-0173-06
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 30.4.2010
Web page:
Mechatronic vision system
Mechatronický vizuálny systém
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Doc. Ing. Dobrovodský Karol, PhD.
ID: 2/0145/10
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012
Web page: 12 000
MEMS structures based on load cell
MEMS štruktúry na báze poddajných mechanizmov
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: APVV-14-0076
Duration: 1.7.2015 - 30.6.2019
Mikro-elektro-mechanické štruktúry a senzory pre využitie v automobilovom priemysle a doprave
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: NFP313011X741
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019
Web page:
Micro-electro-mechanical structures and sensors for aplication in automotive industry
Mikro-elektro-mechanické štruktúry a senzory pre využitie v automobilovom priemysle a dopraveKód
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: 313011X741
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019
Web page:
Nanostructured thin-film materials and innovative technologies for MEMS gas and heavy metal sensors
Nanoštruktúrne tenkovrstvové materiály a inovatívne technológie pre MEMS senzory plynov a ťažkých kovov
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: 1/0828/16
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019
Odolný senzorický systém do priemyselných prostredí s vysokými tlakmi, teplotami a vysokým stupňom elektromagnetického rušenia
Program: EU Structural Funds Research Development
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: ITMS 26240220037
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.10.2013
Web page: http://www.
Computer kit for development, modeling, simulation and animation of mechatronic systems
Počítačová stavebnica pre vývoj, modelovanie, simuláciu a animáciu mechatronických systémov
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Doc. Ing. Dobrovodský Karol, PhD.
ID: 2/7100/27
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 1.12.2009
Advanced MEMS chemical sensors for extreme conditions
Pokročilé MEMS chemické senzory pre extrémne podmienky
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: APVV-0655-07
Duration: 1.6.2008 - 31.12.2010
Web page:
Preparation of \'active\' tips for probe microscopy by MOCVD
Príprava \'aktívnych\' hrotov sondovej mikroskopie metódou MOCVD
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
ID: APVV-51-045705
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 31.10.2009
Web page:
Tools for design and simulation of (Micro) Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS).
Prostriedky pre návrh a modelovanie (mikro) elektro-mechanických systémov (MEMS).
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: 2/4147/04
Duration: 1.1.2004 - 31.12.2006
Tools for design, modeling and simulation of micro electro-mechanical systems /MEMS/
Prostriedky pre návrh, modelovanie a simuláciu mikro-elektromechanických štruktúr a mechanizmov /MEMS/
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: 2/7099/27
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 31.12.2009
Construction and control of micro-electro-mechanical elements and devices.
Stavba a riadenie mikro-elektro-mechanických prvkov a zariadení.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan, DrSc.
ID: 2/0006/10
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthes
Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov – sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2009
Investigation of novel nanolithographic technologies
Výskum nových nanolitografických technológii
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Hrkút Pavol, CSc.
ID: 2/0214/09
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2011
Web page:
Investigation of Novel Resist Materials for Next Generation Lithography
Výskum nových rezistových materiálov pre litografiu novej generácie
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Hrkút Pavol, CSc.
ID: VEGA 2/6184/26
Duration: 1.1.2006 - 1.12.2008
Investigation of processes for the preparation of structures for nanometer scale devices
Výskum procesov prípravy štruktúr pre obvody na nanometrovej úrovni
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert, PhD.
ID: 2/0134/15
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
PFO-CAD CP93: 7896 - Copernicus program - Geometric Modeling for CIM-oriented Virtual Reality
PFO-CAD CP93: 7896 - Copernicus program - Geometric Modeling for CIM-oriented Virtual Reality
Program: Other
Project leader: Ing. Sebestyénová Jolana, PhD.
ID: CP93: 7896
Duration: 1.2.1994 - 30.4.1995
Web page:
Processing of sensor data via Artificial Intelligence methods.
Spracovanie údajov zo senzorov prostriedkami umelej inteligencie
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Malík Peter, PhD.
ID: VEGA 2/0155/19
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Výskum a vývoj nových informačných technológií na predvídanie a riešenie krízových situácií a bezpečnosť obyvateľstva
Program: EU Structural Funds Research Development
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav, CSc.
ID: ITMS 26240220060
Duration: 3.1.2011 - 31.12.2013

Actual and recent projects (annotations):

Preparation of nanometer patterns in 2D materials using electron beam lithography
Príprava štruktúr nanometrových rozmerov v 2D materiáloch použitím elektrónovej litografie
Annotation: The aim of this project is to carry out basic research in the field of new progressive nanostructered 2D materials based on dichalcogenides of transition metals. The subject of the project proposal is the research concerning of the preparation methods of nanometer patterns in 2D materials using electron beam lithography which is one of the alternative methods for nanometer patterns preparation. The problems associated with the interaction of electron beam in very thin electron beam resist (10 - 50 nm) on 2D materials will be examined experimentaly and proximity effects simulation will be performed. The simulations of lithographicparameters of very thin electron beam resists on 2D materials, present an important part of this project. We expect some new scattering effects for case of low energy secondary electrons. In case of backscattered electrons, a long-range electron scattering in substrate will be examined. In addition, the influence of electron irradiation at a low and a high electron energyon mobility and carrier density of devices based on 2D materials is the subject of our investigation.
Microelectromechanical sensors with radio frequency data transmission
Mikroelektromechanické senzory s rádiofrekvenčnýcm prenosom údajov
Annotation: The project elaborates the method proposed by the authors, especially of mechanical quantities with wirelesssignal / energy transmission via electromagnetic field, solution of sensors as well as (micro) electro-mechanisms(MEMS). The task is a logical continuation of the results achieved within the successful solution of the previousproject APVV 14-0076, where the principle of scanning and conception of the sensor solution according to theoriginal design (utility model 8653, published patent applications PP 121-2018) was designed and verified. Thepresented project represents further theoretical and methodological-experimental processing in order to meetspecific requirements for the solution of specific sensors including compliant - deformation members and electronicevaluation circuits as well as other electro-mechanisms with respect to selected applications. Part of the solution isto create tools for modeling, simulation and optimization of properties using available MEMS technologies. Theproject aims to follow the latest global trend in MEMS solutions.
Progressive methods of the transfer of nanostructured semiconductive 2D materials based on transition metal dichalcogenides onto microelectronic elements
Progresívne metódy transferu nanoštruktúrnych polovodivých 2D materiálov na báze dichalkogenidov tranzitných kovov do mikroelektronických prvkov
Annotation: The aim of this project is to carry out basic research in the field of new progressive nanostruct. semiconductive materials based on dichalcogenides of transition metals with the focus on nanostructured disulfides. The properties of selected nanostructured disulfides will be examined in terms of their use in microlelectronics and expected advantages of nanostructured disulfides in comparison with bulk semiconductor materials will be shown.We will design model microelectronic devices based on specific nanostructured disulfides such as WS2, MoS2, MSe, and develop technological methods for their preparation. We will master mechanical exfoliation of nanostructured disulfide layers and transfer of these nanostructured layers to the microelectronic device on the substrate. We will also focus on the analysis of these layers and their structural properties by physical methods (SEM, AFM, EDX, Raman spectroscopy...) and on the characterization of electrical and transport properties of the model microel. structure.

Finished projects (annotations):

Innovation of sub-micrometer electron beam lithography
Inovácia sub-mikrometrovej elektrónovej litografie
Annotation: The electron beam resist development simulation model development. Investigation of the numerical parameters of the lithographic process for direct electron lithography in the thin layer of the positive electron beam resist PMMA A2 (Microchem, Ltd) and the negative electron beam resist HSQ FOx-12 (Dow Corning) with the energy of electrons 20 keV.
Molecular-friendly processes for fabrication of molecular electronic devices
Kompatibilné molekulárne procesy pre prípravu molekulárnych elektronických obvodov
Annotation: The aim of this proposal is the development of a viable fabrication process of molecular logic devices based on self-assembled monolayers and the subsequent characterization of the produced devices. Specifically, we aim to produce a molecular switch, in which the gate metal and dielectric electrodes will be fabricated using processing steps that do not include either high thermal budget or wet conditions after the application of the molecular layer, i.e. we propose a process that has low risk of damaging the molecular layer.
Correlation of structure and magnetism in novel nanoscale magnetic particles
Korelácia štruktúry a magnetických vlastností nových magnetických nano častíc
Annotation: no description
An individual stimulating system with 3D nano-structure carbon/graphene based transducer and wireless heater for automated tiny insects behavior monitoring
Monitorovací a stimulačný systém s 3D snímačom a mikro-ohrievačom na báze uhlíka/grafénu s bezdrôtovým ovládaním pre automatizované individuálne monitorovanie a stimuláciu drobného hmyzu
Annotation: This project is a collaboration project with the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan (NTHU). In this project, a system that could monitor and analyze insect behavior will be developed. Such system can detect the position of the insect and stimulate insects individually in real-time. Generally, this project is divided into three parts: 1. Designing and manufacturing a 3D micro transducer. 2. Designing and manufacturing an individual stimulator made by the wireless heater. 3. Designing a monitoring and analysis system that could observe the behavior of tiny insects systematically.The parameters of the experimental setup are designed based on the characteristics of the Drosophila organism model (made at NTHU), which can also be used on other tiny insects. The nearly negligible weight and size of the insects is what makes them hard to locate in real-time. By using the electron beam lithography and reactive-ion etching equipment that II SAS provides, a micro bridge structure will be developed. After that, 3D nano carbon/graphene material will be grown onto the structure and the resulting device is a highly sensitive micro transducer that can measure small increments in weight. By placing such transducers all around the experimental platform, the precise position of the insects can be monitored. A wireless heater is installed on to the body of the insects to stimulate them individually under certain circumstances. This heater is made by connecting a nanometric diamond film with a high density micro coil produced at II SAS. By exerting electromagnetic waves of certain frequency (this frequency is related to the size of the coil), electromagnetic induction will occur and the device will heat up stimulating the insect. By using the two devices mentioned above, together with a camera, image processing algorithms, and other hardware equipment, such as a camera stand and a container to place the flies, a system that is used to observe the behavior of small insects, will be developed. The capability of stimulating individual insects and tracking them simultaneously brings up new possibilities of designing more complicating experiments regarding the social behavior of insects. It is the experience of dealing with living organisms and the techniques of manufacturing nano-scale structures that both parties will exchang with each other that can make the development of this system such successful. From this collaboration between II SAS and NTHU more novel nanoscale devices are expected in near future.Drosophilas are commonly used in this project as a model organism. The hierarchical structure of their brains resembles the brain of a mammal, which constitutes to their complicated social behavior. As a broader impact of the results of this bilateral cooperation, by observing the social behavior of these flies, insight on typical human brain disorders (such as the Parkinson’s, the Alzheimer’s, and the Huntington’s disease), neural networks, and biological evolution could be gained. Therefore, the results of this project may also affect wider areas of research, including life and medical sciences.
Semiconducting Metal Oxide - New Materials For Environmental Sensors
Polovodivé oxidy kovov – nové materiály pre environmentálne senzory
Annotation: This project proposal is motivated by the research of new semiconducting metal oxides materials such as titanium dioxide TiO2 ,NiO, ZnO, as well as from the present state of the development of the electron beam lithography (EBL) which is one of the alternative methods of patterns preparation. The project proposal is aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge in the patterning of nanometer scale structures (50-150 nm) in electron beam resists on thin films of semiconducting metal oxides. The attention will be paid to the research of the influence of the electron lithography processes on the resulting nanometer structures patterned in electron beam resists on thin film sof semiconducting metal oxides in term of resolution, accuracy of the dimension of structures in resist and the side wall shapes of the structures in the electron beam resist. The simulations of lithographic parameters of electron bem resists on thin semiconducting metal oxide layers, present an important part of this project. Based on the obtained know-how and simulations of lithographic parameters, we will prepare nanometer patterns on thin semiconducting metal oxide layers including TiO2 for chemoresistivegas sensors development.
Radical Innovation Maskless Nanolithography
Radikálna inovácia bezmaskovej nanolitografie
Annotation: The specific targeted research project RIMANA (Radical Innovation Maskless Nanolithography) aims to research and develop a key masklessnanolithography technology for low to medium volume production, essential for the semiconductor industry and emerging nanotechnology industry.RIMANA is driven by two global industrial needs:A maskless lithography (ML2) tool for short run and low to medium volume leading edge device manufacturers (Logic, ASIC, Silicon Foundries),A fast Mask Writer for the leading edge high volume device manufacturers (MPU, DRAM, Logic).Both global industrial needs are addressed by the RIMANA project with the following overall S/T objectives and work plans:- Concept and realisation of new, highly-innovative compact APS (programmable Aperture Plate System), including higher-speed electronics with the ability to generate a massive parallelisation of electron beams for the 32nm node and beyond.- Concept and realization of optical Data Path improvements to achieve higher data rates.- Design and generation of test benches to demonstrate sub-32nm node ML2 high throughput capabilities in resist.- Brainstorm of results with perspectives for potential industrial realisation.The key challenges will be to explore and develop essential elements for the massive parallelisation of electron-beams and 200x reduction electron-optics,retaining ultimate resolution down to the nanometer scale, while minimising throughput-resolution trade-offs.The project will be carried out by a strong and diversified team from industry, academia and acclaimed European research institutes, under the leadershipof IMS Nanofabrication AG, an SME with extensive experience in cutting-edge charged particle nanofabrication research and technology.RIMANA is harmonised completely with the FP6 strategic objective IST & NMP-3. In particular, RIMANA addresses the need for "maskless nano-patterningfor low to medium volume production for the 32 nm node and beyond".
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthesis
Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov –sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti
Annotation: Scanning proximity probes (SPP) are uniquely powerful tools for analysis, manipulation and bottom-up synthesis: they are capable of addressing and engineering surfaces at the atomic level and are the key to unlocking the full potential of Nanotechnology.Current SPP nanotools are limited to single probes with pitifully slow processing rates and, even at the research level, attempts at multiprobe systems have achieved only a 32 x 32 array. This could be a terminal limitation for the future of Nanotechnology, in particular for bottom-up manufacturing, with little prospect for economic throughputs, unless 2-dimensional massively parallel probe arrays can be realised.Such a development would revolutionise Nanotechnology, triggering an avalanche of new products and processes in a wide range of applications including surface chemistry, materials and the life-health industries. This ground-breaking technology development is the ambitious principal aim of this proposal. Generic massively parallel intelligent cantilever-probe platforms will be produced through a number of existing and ground-breaking techniques.The ultimate product will be a packaged VLSI NEMS-chip (Very Large Scale Integrated Nano Electro Mechanical System) incorporating 128x128 proximal probes, fully addressable with control and readout interconnects and advanced software.To validate this novel technology, a series of demonstrations are planned where relevant SMEs will use this technology to carry out sub-10 nm metrology for high throughput manufacturing. Furthermore selected key applications and the results will be used to educate and inform in support of the development of new nanotechnology processes and products.It is the aim of PRONANO that the new massively parallel scanning probe nanotools with VLSI ASNEMS (application specific nanoelectromechanical systems) chips inside should empower nanotechnologists and drive the rapid development of nanoscience, leading to new nanotechnology processes and their industrial exploitation. They will secure the future of nanotechnology with economic throughputs leading to new manufacturing industries.
Nano-structuring by Electron Beam Lithography for Sensor Application
Tvarovanie štruktúr pre senzorové aplikácie s využitím elektrónovej litografie
Annotation: The aim of the presented project is the development of method for patterning of nanostructures at nanometer dimensions. The application is focused on sensor development. Nanometer scale device fabrication rules require tight control of the developed polymer resist profile. Process simulation is a key tool for optimization of the obtained lithography results. The final aim is to use of research results for exposures of patterns at the dimensions region below 100 nm.
Robust Lithography of Submicron nad Nano-dimensional Structures
Výkonná litografia submikrometrových a nanometrových štruktúr
Annotation: This project is the continuation of the previous Slovak-Bulgarian RD cooperation project. The subject of the previous project was submicrometer e-beam lithography. In this project, experiments and simulations are extended to nanometer dimensions. Nanometer scale device fabrication rules require tight control of the developed polymer resist profile. Process simulation is a key tool for optimization of the obtained lithography results. The final aim is to use of research results for exposures of patterns at the dimensions region below 100 nm. The objectives of this project are:- joint publications, - active participation at conference EBT 2012 in Bulgaria and Apcom 2011 in Slovakia, - mutual use of special laboratory equipment e-beam lithograph ZBA series and Scanning Electron Microscopy at Slovak Academy of Sciences and AFM microscopy at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,- research materials collection in the field of nanolithography for educational and popularization purposes.
Study of electron beam resists and patterning of nano-structures by electron beam lithography for gas sensor applications
Výskum elektrónových rezistov a príprava nanoštruktúr s využitím elektrónovej litografie vo výskume senzorov plynu
Annotation: The project goal is the development of method for patterning of nano-structures at nano-meter dimensions and improvement of the technology for electron beam lithography, improvement of the models and computer simulation tools. The application is focused on sensor development. The final aim is to use research results for exposures of patterns at the dimensions region below 100 nm. The aims of the collaboration are - common results obtaining (using expensive facilities in the II-SAS, simulation tools in the IE-BAS, accumulated teams’ experience); their presentation, establishment and recognition (common publications, conference attendances, join seminars, join international project); successful continuation, strengthening and broadening of our collaboration, including young scientists and PhD students.
(Micro) Electro-mechnisms for robotics and extremely work spaces (enviroments).
(Mikro) Elektro-Mechanizmy pre robotiku a extrémne pracovné prostredia.
Annotation: The project elaborates methods and solves tools for design, modeling and simulation of (micro) electro-mechanical devices, mainly sensors of mechanical values and actuators for specific using in robotics and in extremely work spaces. The solution is composed from the mutual synergy of mechanical parts properties – deformation elements, electronics for signal processing and transmission, EMC and methods for data evaluation. The project theoretically and methodically elaborates following objectives:- Analysis, modeling and simulation of compliant mechanical structures properties suitable for sensors and actuators solving.- Optimal solving of mechanisms for multi-component force / torque sensor and for actuators (for instance as mechanical amplifier).- Research of methods for signal transmission and processing, calibration for micro-robotic applications.
Electron beam lithography of nanometer structures for 2D materials on the base of metal sulfides
Elektrónová litografia nanometrových štruktúr pre 2D materiály na báze sulfidov kovov
Annotation: Motivation of this project comes out the research of new 2D materials such as metal sulfides and from the present state of development of e-beam lithography (EBL) as one of the alternative methods of 2D structures preparation in electronics. This project is focused on obtaining new scientific results in the patterning of nano-scale structures (10-100nm) in electron resists. Attention will be paid to the research of the influence of the electron lithography processes on the resulting nanometric patterns patterned in electron resits in term of resolution, dimensionsaccuracy and edge roughness of the structures in the resist. We will study the parameters influencing the profile of the nanometric patterns in polymeric resists. The simulations of lithographic parameters of electron resists onthin semiconductor layers, nitride membranes and layers with 2D materials, are an important part of this project. Based on the simulations of lithographic parameters, we will prepare nanometric structures on these materials.
Electron Spin PolaRImeTer based on thin ferromagnetic membranes
Elektrónový spinový polarimeter na báze tenkých feromagnetických membrán
Annotation: The aim of the presented project is the development of a new type of electron spin polarimeterbased on spin-filtering effects in ferromagnetic thin films. Such a detector may significantlycontribute to instrumental innovations, such as the development of spin resolved electronspectroscopy and microscopy techniques.The work is concentrated on the elaboration on optimised structures exhibiting spin-filtering.These structures will combine two types of magnetic membranes of a few nanometre thicknessbased on:- transition metals (Fe, Co) coated with Au- transition metal oxides (Fe3O4).Specific technological processes will be developed for the fabrication of the membranessupported on an appropriate substrate. The structure properties will be characterized and testedusing spin-polarized electron spectroscopy.The objectives of this project are: joint publications, active participation at conferences in Franceand Slovakia, organizing joint scientific activities, engaging young researchers on both sides,preparation of joint international projects, mutual use of special laboratory equipment andresearch materials collection in the field of nanotechnology (spintronics, spin polarimetry, thinfilm technology, e-beam lithography) for educational and popularization purposes.The present proposal aims renewing already existing, but for the moment being somehowinterrupted, contacts with SAV partner.
Hybrid Spintronic Nanostructures Controlled by Spin-Polarized Current
Hybridné spintronické štruktúry riadené spinovopolarizovaným prúdom
Annotation: Project goal: Spintronic GMR and TMR nanopillars (lateral size (150nm) for current induced magnetization switching (CIMS) studies will be prepared and analyzed. GMR nanopillars will be prepared by UHV deposition and nanoparticles lift off lithography and electron beam lithography (EBL). Novel TMR nanopillars with embedded magnetic nanoparticles will be prepared by UHV evaporation, LB nanoparticles deposition and EBL. Magnetic configurations of nanopillars will be studied by scanning MOKE microscope. We will study correlation between nanopillar structure, interface roughness (vertical and lateral correlations) and Neel ferromagnetic coupling with magnetic and CIMS behavior with the aim to lower the switching current. Magnetization behaviour in situ by its spin polarized current switching will be analyzed by simultaneous simultaneous the R (dynamic) vs. current and Kerr rotation vs. H experiments.
Mechatronic vision system
Mechatronický vizuálny systém
Annotation: A mechatronic vision system for automatic perception and monitoring of static and moving objects is proposed. The system consists of several relatively independent subsystems cooperating in order to achieve the common goal to recognize the existence and the motion of a relatively small object from the background, to report it‘s position, velocity and acceleration, to predict the motion and to support tracking of the moving object. The combination of an automatic recognition subsystem with an automatic object motion prediction and camera orientation control facilitates the ability of the whole system to work autonomously in real time. The system will be designed in a modular way to enable simple adaptation to several static and mobile cameras mechanically oriented in space by the two degrees of freedom. The open architecture of the system allows group management integration, day and night image processing, and various geometric computation.
MEMS structures based on load cell
MEMS štruktúry na báze poddajných mechanizmov
Annotation: The project is focused on the analysis, synthesis and design of electromechanical sensors based on MEMS with wireless transmission of information about the sensed phenomena. Solution of the project will focus on exploring appropriate topology structures especially in relation to the proposal required parameters MEMS sensors. Comprehensive proposal includes a parallel proposal to both the mechanical and electrical parts of the sensor. When mechanical design emphasis will be placed on analysis modeling and linearisation characteristics of MEMS structures. The electric field of the settlement project focuses on analyzing the electromagnetic deja suitable for the transmission of information and supplement sensor electrical elements as to avoid compromising the required mechanical properties. The electric field due consideration to the topology of MEMS mechanical structures with its direct use for applying electrical elements.
Mikro-elektro-mechanické štruktúry a senzory pre využitie v automobilovom priemysle a doprave
Annotation: -
Nanostructured thin-film materials and innovative technologies for MEMS gas and heavy metal sensors
Nanoštruktúrne tenkovrstvové materiály a inovatívne technológie pre MEMS senzory plynov a ťažkých kovov
Annotation: The aim of the project is basic research in the field of finding new progressive materials based on simple and mixed metal oxides as well as new base materials for microelectrode fields. Activities were focused on the preparation and research of the properties of thin In2O3, TiO2, NiO layers and their selected combinations, and such layers together with a submicrometer electrode system and a polyimide membrane based micromechanical platform which were integrated into MEMS gas detection sensors. Attention was also paid to the research of the pyrolytic carbon layer as a substrate for the Bi deposition, using a sensor that was include all 3 electrodes in a vertical configuration to determine heavy metals in aqueous synthetic solutions and real water samples. For such an integrated sensor, the measurement methodology were optimized by electrochemical solvent analysis and potentiometric stripping analysis.
Odolný senzorický systém do priemyselných prostredí s vysokými tlakmi, teplotami a vysokým stupňom elektromagnetického rušenia
Annotation: The aim of the project is to create a sensoric system for extreme environments resistant to high temperatures up to 400ºC, high pressures up to 1000 bar and for environments with electromagnetic perturbation. The resistant system of sensors is aimed for embedded control systems of technological processes, where the above mentioned surrounding conditions occur in various combinations. Among such systems belong ultradeep drill holes for generation of electric energy from geothermal sources at the depth up to 10 km, similar conditions can be found also in some complex metalurgic processes, demanding welding processes, in research and in produjction of novel materials at high temperatures and pressures, in military sphere and in controlling new hybrid electric automobiles.
Computer kit for development, modeling, simulation and animation of mechatronic systems
Počítačová stavebnica pre vývoj, modelovanie, simuláciu a animáciu mechatronických systémov
Annotation: The aim of the project is to propose and create the effective tools for the computer synthesis of the real-time mechatronic control systems. Realization of the programming kit for the static and mobile mechanisms enables to model the objects of control, to simulate control algorithms and, moreover, the kit will offer the platform for the development of the true control system for the real objects. The goal of the project is to work out the proposition methodology of the new mechatronic control systems, to offer an effective tool for modeling of the static and the mobile objects of control and to create an environment for the control algorithms simulation with the aim of its step by step verification. The kit should provide the new control systems development and realization with the true objects of control as well as with the simulated ones for training or educational purposes. The step by step implementation of the new control systems will be possible simply by replacing the simulated objects by the real ones.
Advanced MEMS chemical sensors for extreme conditions
Pokročilé MEMS chemické senzory pre extrémne podmienky
Annotation: Much efforts of the project research team will be made to introduce the new designed MEMS sensoric device in all its complexity and multidisciplinary basis. Therefore, besides the modelling and fabrication methods developed, much attention will be devoted to new methodology of sensing and detection and new non-conventional methods to analyze the basic thermo-mechanical properties of the MEMS device in both stationary dynamic process conditions.
Tools for design and simulation of (Micro) Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS).
Prostriedky pre návrh a modelovanie (mikro) elektro-mechanických systémov (MEMS).
Annotation: The project will elaborate methods and tools for solving, simulation and design of (Micro) Electro-Mechanical systems (MEMS). Study and present state of the subject is based on knowledge about design and control of robotic mechanisms, sensors, signal processing as well as application of (micro) technologies for their fabrication. The project will theoretically and methodically elaborate the following problems:- simulation and optimal design of mechanisms and mechanical structures with flexural/elastic elements- development of MEMS technologies- signal processing and control methods.
Tools for design, modeling and simulation of micro electro-mechanical systems /MEMS/
Prostriedky pre návrh, modelovanie a simuláciu mikro-elektromechanických štruktúr a mechanizmov /MEMS/
Annotation: The project will elaborate methods and tools for analysis, simulation, modeling and design of (micro) electromechanical structures and systems (MEMS). The study and elaboration of subjects is based on knowledge about design and control of robotic devices, sensors, signal processing, as well as application of MEMS systems. The project theoretically and methodically elaborates following subjects: -Analysis, modeling and simulation of MEMS characteristics especially based on compact elastic mechanical structures and mechanisms with integrated electronics. -Methods and tools for optimal design and solving MEMS with respect to applications.
Construction and control of micro-electro-mechanical elements and devices.
Stavba a riadenie mikro-elektro-mechanických prvkov a zariadení.
Annotation: The project elaborates methods and solves tools for design, modeling and simulation of micro-electromechanical structures and systems (MEMS). The study and elaboration of subjects go out from mechatronics approach and it is based on knowledge of design and control of robotic devices, sensors, signal processing as well as MEMS technology. The project theoretically and methodically elaborates following objectives:- Analysis, modeling and simulation of MEMS characteristics based on compact compliant mechanical structures with integrated electronics.- Methods and tools for optimal solution and design of MEMS with respect to application.- Information-control systems with MEMS. Methods of signal processing(sensors),communications and control (micro-robotics elements and devices).- Technological aspects in solving MEMS structures.
Technology for the Production of Massively Parallel Intelligent Cantilever – Probe Platform for Nanoscale Analysis and Synthes
Technológia výroby matice paralelných inteligentných nosníkov – sondových platform pre analýzu a syntézu v nanometrovej oblasti
Annotation: Financial support of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the 6FW project No. 515739 PRONANO to cover non-allovable finances, e.g. VAT.
Investigation of novel nanolithographic technologies
Výskum nových nanolitografických technológii
Annotation: The subject of the solving of the proposed project belongs to the area of development of new nanolithographical technologies and techniques which are a key technology in the fabrication of nanoelectronic circuits and nanosystems. New and progressive solutions in the nanotechnology development will play a crucial role in the production of circuits with element dimensions smaller than 50 nm, in nanophotonics, nanomagnetic devices, molecular nanotechnology, NEMS (nano-electro-mechanical systems) technologies and the like. Preparation of nanometrical structures on non-standard substrates by direct lithography with maximal alignment precision as well as membrane-masks preparation for ion-beam lithography are main area of the proposed project. To achieve this one needs to optimize expositions of suitable masking materials (resists), preparation of the data by using new algorithms and optimization of new technological processes of the structures preparation.
Investigation of processes for the preparation of structures for nanometer scale devices
Výskum procesov prípravy štruktúr pre obvody na nanometrovej úrovni
Annotation: This project is devoted to advanced patterning processes that can extend capabilities of the technology into the deep nanoscale regime. New approaches to resist design, exposure strategies, development techniques, and correlation with subsequent dry etching are investigated. To achieve this will require thorough, systematic understanding of the limiting factors involved in both the electron-resist interaction, in the polymer dissolution (development), the corresponding intricate interplay of the numerous process control parameters including the accelerating voltage, exposure dose, and development conditions, as well as interaction with subsequent techniques (dry etching, lift-off).
PFO-CAD CP93: 7896 - Copernicus program - Geometric Modeling for CIM-oriented Virtual Reality
PFO-CAD CP93: 7896 - Copernicus program - Geometric Modeling for CIM-oriented Virtual Reality
Annotation: Geometric Modeling for CIM-oriented Virtual Reality - PFO-CAD CP93: 7896
Leader from the Institute of Control Theory and Robotics SAS was Doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Fogel, CSc.;
J. Sebestyénová put info on the project into system ELVYS; co-researchers of the project from ICTR SAS (since 2004 part of Institute of Informatics SAS) were: J. Fogel, P. Kurdel, K. Dobrovodský, J. Sebestyénová
CSG Modelling is part of almost all CAD-systems for the modelling of solid state matter. Numerous theoretical investigations and implementations have been carried out. Besides its advantages CGS models need still to be modified into envelope representations for many applications. Parametrizing and real time capabilities are getting lost by this process.
European links: The project will run in strict conjunction with CP93-9554 DODECAS
The Modelling will be made capable of real time by focussing on a subset of CSG Models. Generic storage in databases will be established by using appropriate canonization of representations. Deductive retrieval of variants will be eased substantially.
Title of the task solved by colective from our Institute: Fast matching algorithm for protein graphs
Processing of sensor data via Artificial Intelligence methods.
Spracovanie údajov zo senzorov prostriedkami umelej inteligencie
Annotation: The project will propose new methods and algorithms for processing of multi-sensor data for tasks of object diagnostics, areas of interest evaluation, secure communication and simplification of the new intelligent models creation. The research will focus on advanced methods of artificial intelligence with emphasis on deep learning. Artificial Intelligence algorithms show significantly better results than traditional methods, and an example of this is the tremendous progress of refining semantic image segmentation through deep learning over the last five years. Modern, low-cost, miniature electro-mechanical structures allow simple integration and group deployment of multiple sensors, resulting in the production of a huge amount of multi-sensor data that can not be manually processed. The project output will include new models of accurate semantic image segmentation, precision object modeling, multiple sensor collaboration models, and secure data transfer, especially for the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0.