
Offers for Commercial Sphere in on-line database of the SAS

Offers for Commercial Sphere …

  • V rámci riešenia projektu Elektronické služby Generálnej prokuratúry dodal Ústav informatiky 900 licencií programov APD a HVP na prepis právnického diktátu do textu, čím sa prokurátorom urýchli tvorba dokumentov.
  • IKT tools finalization for HPC hydraulic simulations of hazards with drinking water distribution; project CVR – Centre for the Research of Risks of Water Distribution in a Large City. User: BVS a.s. Bratislava
  • Semantic text recognition on the internet, consultations with MVO SR concerning exploitation of the recognition of communication among terrorists on the internet, MV SR is one of the potential users.
  • Software products of IKT Data Analytics Supercomputer (DAS) group
  • Modelovanie požiarov a zadymenia priestorov, spolupráca s Hasičským a záchranným zborom SR, spolupráca s Národným lesníckym centrom.
  • Služba pre spracovanie a vyhodnocovanie satelitných snímkov družice typu Sentinel
  • Method and device for contactless sensing of mechanical quantities

Infrastructures and Laboratories

Ústav informatiky v rámci možností buduje a rovíja výskumnú infraštruktúru. V súčasnosti prevádzkuje 6 laboratórií a pripravuje obnovenie laboratória priemyselnej robotiky. Špecifikom informatických vied je, že rôzne typy výskumu prevádzame na spoločných výpočtových zariadeniach, preto sa sústreďujeme predovšetkým na budovanie a rozvoj laboratória vysokovýkonnej výpočtovej techniky, ktoré slúži výkumníkom aj mimo ÚI SAV.

UISAV_SIVVP_klaster Infrastructure for parallel and distributed information processing
IISAS computing cluster joined the international grid and cloud infrastructure EGI and participates on national project SIVVP (Slovak infrastructure for HPC) financed by ERDF. Besides this cluster, our laboratory has one Hadoop cluster designed for Big Data processing.
pcb_lab PCB laboratory
PCB laboratory belongs to the department of PCB design and production, which is oriented to develop prototypes and to fabricate multilayer printed circuit boards (PCB) in small series. Simultaneously single- and double-sided through-hole-plated PCB’s are produced.
Laboratorium Laboratory for EBL and micro-technology
The R&D infrastructure of Electron beam lithography Department is divided into the following laboratories:
1. Laboratory of electron-beam lithography
2. Laboratory of photolithography
3. Laboratory of thin films preparation
4. Laboratory of plasmatic etching
5. Laboratory of optical microscopy
6. Laboratory of the evaluation, measurement and analysis of structures
7. Chemical laboratory for the work with acids, hydroxides, polymers, polyimides and chemical solutions
8. Laboratory for the finalization of chips
Kvad_m Robotics Laboratory
The laboratory is focused primarily on research, development and testing of intelligent control methods in various application domains – group control of mobile robots, optimization of manufacturing systems, logistics systems and so on. The laboratory is equipped with high-performance computing servers, software tools and means with an emphasis on the use of open source resources (Octave, OpenCV, OpenCL, NetLogo) and hardware for test solutions for multirobotic systems (LEGO Mindstorm NXT, multi-rotor drone and autonomous wing based on arduino platform). In addition, the laboratory is equipped with a multi-camera system of high-speed cameras (IDS UI-5220CP) with Azur lenses (IR 02812ZM).
LDS_logo Laboratory of Digital Systems
Design and testing of digital circuits, new technology implementation.
Rusko_Obr-Charak-Lab Recording studio
Na Ústave informatiky SAV sa nachádza nahrávacie štúdio, ktoré je vybavené modernou nahrávacou technikou a oddelenie analýzy a syntézy reči ho používa pri tvorbe rečových nahrávok.
Glasa_Logo_SMALL FIRE simulation lab
Institute of Informatics focuses on fire simulation in structures of transport infrastructure, such as road tunnels and car parks as well as in other structures using high-performance computing infrastructure at the Institute of Informatics. For simulations, the Fire Dynamics Simulator system is used. Research on parallelization of fire simulation for the simulation performance increased and the impact of parallelization on accuracy and reliability of simulation results is carried out. Forest fire research is also included. Collaboration with several important institutions responsible for fire safety in the Slovak republic is established.